So What Exactly is a Miracle?
How do you recognize when a miracle enters your life?
A marvel, a wonder, when the impossible happens, an event that cannot be explained - these are generally the accepted definitions of a miracle. They are easily accepted and digested though not necessarily believed.
Is a miracle really that complex? A wonder? or is a miracle really that simple? A wonder to behold.
So what really defines a miracle? According to the dictionary miracles are real, they happen but they cannot be explained.
Many authors in fact have tried to explain what a miracle is.
Deepak Chopra in his book Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire writes "
A miracle, then, is a very dramatic example of what happens when a person is able to tap into the spiritual domain and apply intention to manifest their destiny" so then a miracle occurs when you get your intention right.
St Augustine one of the Ancient Roman Christian Theologians wrote " Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature" Ah so even back in ancient times miracles were in fact accepted as ordinary occurrences, everyday occurrences really but still one could wonder and marvel as they perhaps could not be readily explained.
Buddha wrote " All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become. and also "I am the miracle " So if we think that life itself is a miracle then yes we become the miracle.
Interestingly the word miracle comes from the old Latin word miraculum which just means "something wonderful" not something that cannot be explained, noting that is not from this world but in fact something is just common and wonderful.
Each religion, spiritual leader, or everyone on earth has a different perspective on what constitutes a miracle. Within the core of each of these beliefs lies the same principles.
1. A miracle is a wonder (whether you believe it is unexplainable or a natural occurrence)
2. A miracle is a result of your thoughts, your intentions, and your belief that they exist
3. A miracle then can be a shift in your un curso de milagros
alone. When your thoughts change to understand there may be another way - that in itself is a miracle of sorts.
4. A miracle can be what you experience on a daily basis if you choose to believe that everything about life is a miracle. The beauty of a flower, the expanse of the sky, the incredible sound from a humming bird.
Miracles surround you each day, the wonder of life itself, the blessings, the joy the bliss. Miracles occur when your intentions, your beliefs, your thoughts and your action all work together to engage them to happen.
Miracles are as simple as a smile, a hug, or as magnificent as a sunrise each morning. They key to understanding how miraculous your life is, is to notice your life in detail. Be mindful of each step, each smile, each small gesture of kindness and watch what the universe unfolds for you!
©2008 Fay Chapple
Fay Chapple is an International Feng Shui Expert, award winning Interior Decorator and Life Coach, and is Principal of the award winning Home & Life Design Firm Blue Avalon.
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