So What Exactly is a Miracle?
How do you recognize when a miracle enters your life? A marvel, a wonder, when the impossible happens, an event that cannot be explained - these are generally the accepted definitions of a miracle. They are easily accepted and digested though not necessarily believed. Is a miracle really that complex? A wonder? or is a miracle really that simple? A wonder to behold. So what really defines a miracle? According to the dictionary miracles are real, they happen but they cannot be explained. Many authors in fact have tried to explain what a miracle is. Deepak Chopra in his book Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire writes " A miracle, then, is a very dramatic example of what happens when a person is able to tap into the spiritual domain and apply intention to manifest their destiny" so then a miracle occurs when you get your intention right. St Augustine one of the Ancient Roman Christian Theologians wrote " Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know ...